
Scanning and archiving plans and documents

Call 01245 362 121

Let us help you improve your filing system

Many of our clients find that storing their plans and other documents electronically makes life so much easier. With electronic documents there is no time wasted searching through filing cabinets and clearing a space to spread them out to check details. Just enter the key search words and the plan or document pops up instantly on screen.
 Digital filing

Scanning original documents

All your documents can be scanned and reproduced as searchable pdf files, even large format plans and drawings. Sets of documents can be put into a single pdf file – allowing each page to be accessed individually. That pile of paper can become digital documents that take up a small amount of space on your computer.
 Peter answering the phone

Give us a call

Whether you have existing documents to scan and archive or you want to develop an archiving system for new documents and plans, just talk to us about the advantages of ‘going digital’. You’ll get us on 01245 362 121 and let’s get your filing system into the 21st Century.
"All the staff within the organisation will go out of their way to make sure they provide a service which is unbeatable in my opinion."
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Running out of document storage space? Call
 Reprohouse on 01245 362 121
01245 362 121
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